Clutter is Sabotaging Your Business (what to do instead)

I'm obsessed with office supplies!

I sometimes have more than 5 different pens laying on my desk that I switch between and a minimum of 7 spiral bound notebooks in front of my keyboard along with random ideas scribbled on sticky notes everywhere. I usually laugh it off, but to be honest, it's embarrassing. 

Clutter is procrastination. It's a form of self-sabotage that keeps us from reaching our full potential. It's a huge distraction and is hurting your business.


Set Your Motivation On Fire

As entrepreneurs, it's an incredible feeling not having to answer to a boss, or dealing with coworker drama, but the flip side of this is that we have to be self-disciplined and motivate ourselves in order to run a successful online business. 

What happens when you just don't feel like working? It's fantastic that you can set your own schedule, but what happens when you lose your motivation and can't find it again? You started out with an abundance of passion and excitement, but it starts to fade, then you hit a wall, lose your way, get stuck spinning in circles not knowing what direction to go.


7 Obstacles that Lead to Burnout


10 Signs You Need to Reboot Your Life


Do you have what it takes to become a Digital Nomad?

Do you have what it takes to become a Digital Nomad?
The truth is people are getting tired of a mediocre life. Living day-to-day, going to the same 9 to 5 job just to pay the bills and barely break even. We feel deep down inside that we were meant for more, but our hopes and dreams always seem to be just out of reach. The goal is retirement, but can you actually do the things you want to do after 65? Are you going to wind surf or go mountain climbing at 70 years old?

People are waking up and realizing that they need to start living now and stop waiting for the magical age of retirement. 

For me, I was done with the office politics and boss breathing over my shoulder. So I took a bold step and started becoming a Digital Nomad.

What the Heck is a Digital Nomad?

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