DIY...made Simple

50+ Home & Personal Care products in minutes, with 8 Ingredients you already have in your pantry!

Running late for work, I discovered that I had run out of deodorant.  Instead of freaking out, I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a few items from my pantry, whipped up a new batch of deodorant and was out the door, ready to take on the world. FIVE MINUTES, crisis averted.  I realized that EVERY WOMAN NEEDS THIS IN THEIR LIVES; the ability to make anything at the drop of a hat.  I spent hours compiling my most-used recipes and sharing them in classes, girl’s nights, and finally…this book.

This is written for the overwhelmed, stressed-out mom who wants so bad to use safe products in her home but doesn’t have the time to research, take hours out of her day, and spend tons of money on obscure ingredients.  I have done close to a hundred DIY events with my friends and community over the past years and the feedback I have received has been instrumental in putting this book together.  My goal is to show you how to replace most o the expensive chemical-laden products with simple recipes using 8 products most of us already have in our pantries right now.  This is about the basics.  Simple, budget-friendly, and quick.

Not only do I share my top simple recipes, I am going to teach you WHY I chose these ingredients so you can learn to change and create your own recipes with confidence. If you find a great recipe online, but don’t have access to the entire list of ingredients – you can substitute and make your own!

So many of the products we use in our home are dangerous on many levels, from carcinogens to hormone disruptors. Many of these products are considered safe because the dangerous ingredients are in such small amounts, but what happens is we end up using multiple products with small amounts and it compounds?  The average woman is exposed to over 300 chemicals each day, 80 before breakfast.  That’s insane! By knowing what is in your products and making most of them with simple, clean ingredients, you will start to see a change in your health.

I am also an Essential Oil Enthusiast.  When Essential Oils are added to recipes, it gives the recipe a boost! I’ve done many hours of research on how choosing the right oil is important. 

When adding genuine essential oils to recipes (not the generic perfume grade that is sold at many popular stores), you also get added health benefits as well. Cleaning your home becomes aromatherapy.  It’s beyond AMAZING!

About the Author:

Julie LewisGamification Expert | Certified Nutrition Coach | SEO Specialist | Online Business Strategist | Tech Nerd

Julie has been developing websites for over 2 decades. Growing up as an online gamer and fascinated by health & psychology, she merged her "nerdiness" into an online business. Using her technical skills and gamification research, she teaches female entrepreneurs how to develop their online strategy to engage their customers and LEVEL UP their online business!


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