Secret to Having a Good Day Every Day

Secret to Having a Good Day Every Day
Do your mornings ever feel like starting a cold car on a winter day? The key is turning, but the engine doesn’t want to start. We can choose to stay in the warmth, but if the car doesn’t get started, the fact is we’re not going anywhere.
This is why having a solid morning routine is key to having a good day. You might be thinking, “Julie, I’m not really a morning person.” I get it, I was NEVER a morning person, but after I made this a habit, it was like magic happened and I became a morning person, which quickly led to having happier, more productive days.

This is my Simple 6-Step Morning Routine that has Changed my Life:

8 Ways to Simplify Your Life

8 Ways to Simplify Your Life
You want more free time, fewer obligations, and less clutter in your life. Who doesn’t? 

This doesn’t have to just be a wish. 

You can simplify and reclaim your life.

It has been said that life is more than long enough, as long as you’re not wasting time. You’re wasting time if your life is more complicated than it needs to be.

Use these easy techniques to create a simpler life that’s more meaningful to you:


Do You Fear Success?

Do You Fear Success?
Fear of success has always seemed absolutely ridiculous to me, but after being stuck in the same place for years and finally dealing with it, I can tell you that it’s totally legit. 

Our lives rarely change because we become comfortable with our situation. 

We might not like it, but it’s comfortable. We know what to expect. We might be unhappy, but we know we can deal with it.

In a nutshell, we don’t like change. We also don’t like the prospect of failing or of standing out.

You might fear success if you:


DIY...made Simple

DIY...made Simple
Running late for work, I discovered that I had run out of deodorant.  Instead of freaking out, I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a few items from my pantry, whipped up a new batch of deodorant and was out the door, ready to take on the world. FIVE MINUTES, crisis averted.  I realized that EVERY WOMAN NEEDS THIS IN THEIR LIVES; the ability to make anything at the drop of a hat.  I spent hours compiling my most-used recipes and sharing them in classes, girl’s nights, and finally…this book.

This is written for the overwhelmed, stressed-out mom who wants so bad to use safe products in her home but doesn’t have the time to research, take hours out of her day, and spend tons of money on obscure ingredients.  I have done close to a hundred DIY events with my friends and community over the past years and the feedback I have received has been instrumental in putting this book together.  My goal is to show you how to replace most o the expensive chemical-laden products with simple recipes using 8 products most of us already have in our pantries right now.  This is about the basics.  Simple, budget-friendly, and quick.

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